Aqua 水族箱 PMMA 液体冰箱贴 业务 & 促销礼品
产地: 粤,中国
型号: RM-4
尺寸: 60*32 毫米
材料: 丙烯酸纤维
起订量: 1000件
包裹: 塑料袋 + 盒子
OEM/ODM: 热烈欢迎
标识: 可接受定制徽标
测试报告: 材料安全数据表,抵达,有害物质限制指令
Contains liquid, showing a fascinating aquarium effect. It also has the function of a refrigerator magnet, which is easy to stick on the refrigerator or other metal surfaces, which is both practical and beautiful. The exquisite design can be customized according to needs, which is very suitable for corporate publicity or promotional activities. As a gift, it can not only attract attention, but also increase brand exposure, making it a unique and interesting gift choice.